Welcome to Greater Wabash Food Council

Welcome to our website

Driving principals:
* To promote a healthy, local, and economically viable food system

* To acknowledge, mitigate, and adapt to new technologies that support climate change inspired agriculture

* To develop efficient distribution routes that are mindful of carbon footprint

Our team has been busy preparing for the 2024 season.  Set to launch in May will be an online marketplace for local foods and delivery service throughout the Greater Wabash Region.  

Stay Tuned for updates.  

Business Hours

  • Monday - Thursday

    09:00 am – 04:00pm

  • Friday

    Appointments only

  • Saturday - Sunday



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PO Box 217
Bridgeport, IL 62417, US

About us

GinnFarms Corp, 501 (c)3 Agricultural Foundation, est. 1-15-2015 dba Greater Wabash Food Council

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